The protection of your personal data is very important to TIZATE, therefore, we inform you the type of personal data we collect from you, how we use, handle and with whom we share them, through the following PRIVACY NOTICE, which is prepared in accordance with and in compliance with the FEDERAL LAW ON PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA IN POSSESSION OF INDIVIDUALS, which consists of personal data of public nature, identification, racial, labor, sensitive, academic, family, patrimonial, transit and migratory movements, judicial and administrative processes, as well as biometric also regarding your economic, commercial, financial status, bank accounts, tax and accounting information or any other information related to your identity or to them, transit and migratory movements, judicial and administrative processes, as well as biometric data also concerning their economic, commercial, financial status, bank accounts, fiscal and accounting information or any other data related to their identity or that is inherent to them, which if disclosed would undermine their free development and that could give rise to discrimination, or that their dissemination or delivery to third parties would entail a risk for the owner thereof and in general all those data of an identifiable natural or legal person.

What personal information do we collect from you and what is its purpose?

For our candidates and employees: In this case we will collect and process your personal data, sensitive personal data and financial or patrimonial data to carry out the recruitment, selection and, where appropriate, hiring processes, as well as to comply with the benefits or obligations arising from the employment relationship.

For our prospects and customers: We may collect your personal, and patrimonial or financial data in order to provide the corresponding service, offer you our products and comply with legal obligations.

For our prospects and suppliers: We collect your personal, sensitive and financial data necessary to initiate or fulfill a future or current business relationship in order to acquire your services or products. With whom do we share your information and for what purposes?

We inform you that being the case your personal data may be transferred or provided to third parties without the authorization of the holder of the confidential information, however, the holder of the confidential information will have the right to know the use, processes, modifications and transmissions of your confidential information.

Your personal data are processed by TIZATE personnel in order to provide you with the service you request;

Limitation on Use and Disclosure of Personal Data:

The data that you, as the owner, provide to Peninsula, will be treated under the principles of legality, consent, information, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility.

In order to protect and limit the risks that may arise causing any loss, alteration, damage or misuse of your personal, sensitive or patrimonial data, Peninsula, has implemented in terms of the Regulation, the physical, technical and administrative security measures to protect the security of your data.

How can you limit the use or disclosure of your personal information?

You can limit the use and disclosure by exercising your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition of your information through the following means that we have instrumented: Submitting your request in person at our address addressed to the person in charge of privacy in this office located at Av. México N. 3555, Vallarta San Jorge, in Guadalajara, Jalisco; or by sending an e-mail to the following e-mail address: or by calling 52 3331 2201.

For the above, you must let us know reliably the personal data that you want to be rectified, canceled or revised, in possession of Peninsula, you can submit your request in writing, according to the following guidelines:

1. The application for protection shall be filed with acknowledgment and contain: Name of the obligor (in this case, Peninsula) Name of the data owner or legal representative Address, fax or e-mail to receive notifications Specific approach to the right you wish to exercise

If applicable, a simple copy of the documents supporting the request. 2. In the event of failure to comply with any of the above requirements, the owner of the data must be notified within three working days of its submission so that within five working days he/she may correct such prevention and the request may be admitted.

3. If appropriate, the request for protection shall be admitted within three working days of its filing.

4. Once the file has been integrated, the application will be resolved by the Peninsula coordination within ten working days following its admission in accordance with the applicable legislation, in case it is required, the time to resolve may be extended by means of a justified and reasoned agreement for up to five more days.

5. The Peninsula Coordination Office will issue a decision regarding the request, which must contain the following information:
Name of obligor (Peninsula)
File number
Application Data
Reasons and grounds for the sense of the resolution
Decision points on the merits of the application
Place, date, name and signature of the resolving party

6. Notification of the decision to the owner of the data.

It should be noted that at all times you have the right to revoke the consent you have given us for the processing of your personal data, which may be enforced through the aforementioned procedure.

What are cookies and what are they used for? Cookies" are small text files that a web server sends to your computer, which are used to provide you with better service regarding our products and/or services. Session cookies remember your previous activity on our website and even make it possible to save your preferences across sessions when you visit our website, allowing us to customize, for example, the way our website makes information of interest to you available to you.

Likewise, they may be used to prevent us from showing you notices, news and/or recommendations that may be of interest to you, in accordance with your previous activities on our website, they are also used to implement strategies that allow us to improve the quality of our products and/or services.

Web beacons, or web beacons, are usually graphic images that are placed on a website and are used to count the number of visitors to a website or may even allow access to some cookies. The use of beacons on our website is intended to reflect statistics regarding the products and/or services that are of interest to you. These web beacons do not normally collect information other than what your browser provides to us as a standard part of any web browsing. If you choose to disable cookies in your browser, the web beacon will no longer be able to specifically track your activity.

You can modify your Flash player settings through the Settings Manager according to your preference for storing local shared objects, most browsers or web browsers allow you to disable or allow the use of cookies. You can also delete cookies from your computer if your browser allows you to do so. If you disable cookies, you may not be able to use certain parts of our website and it may be necessary to reinstall a rejection cookie.

In any case, you will have several options to limit the access of cookies and web beacons from our website on your computer.

How to know about changes to this privacy notice? TIZATE reserves the right to change this Comprehensive Privacy Notice as a consequence of updates and reforms in the legal framework and in Peninsula's internal provisions.

How to contact us?
If you have any questions or comments regarding this privacy notice, you can do so in writing via email at or by writing to the address located at Av. México N. 3555, Vallarta San Jorge, in Guadalajara, Jalisco; or by calling 52 3331 2201, likewise, copies of this privacy notice are available at our address and on our website

Sincerely, TIZATE.


The protection of your personal data is very important to TIZATE, therefore, we inform you the type of personal data we collect from you, how we use, handle and with whom we share them, through the following PRIVACY NOTICE, which is prepared in accordance with and in compliance with the FEDERAL LAW ON PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA IN POSSESSION OF INDIVIDUALS, which consists of personal data of a public, identifying, racial, labor, sensitive, academic, family, patrimonial, transit and migratory movements, judicial and administrative processes, as well as biometric also regarding your economic, commercial, financial status, bank accounts, tax and accounting information or any other related to your identity or migratory movements, judicial and administrative processes, as well as biometric also regarding your economic, commercial, financial status, bank accounts, tax and accounting information, or any other related to your identity or migratory movements, transit and migratory movements, judicial and administrative processes, as well as biometric also concerning your economic, commercial, financial status, bank accounts, tax and accounting information or any other data related to your identity or that is inherent to them, which if disclosed would undermine your free development and that may give rise to discrimination, or that its dissemination or delivery to third parties entails a risk for the owner of the same and in general all those data of an identifiable natural or legal person.

What personal data do we collect from you and what is its purpose?
For our candidates and employees: In this case we will collect and process your personal data, sensitive personal data and financial or patrimonial data to carry out the processes of recruitment, selection and, where appropriate, hiring, as well as for the fulfillment of the benefits or obligations arising from the employment relationship.

For our prospects and clients: We may collect your personal, financial or proprietary data in order to provide the corresponding service, offer you our products and comply with legal obligations.

For our prospects and suppliers: We collect your personal, sensitive and financial data necessary to initiate or fulfill a future or current business relationship in order to acquire your services or products.

With whom do we share your information and for what purposes?
We inform you that being the case your personal data may be transferred or provided to third parties without the authorization of the holder of the confidential information, however, the holder of the confidential information will have the right to know the use, processes, modifications and transmissions of your confidential information.

Your personal data are processed by TIZATE personnel in order to provide you with the service you request;

Limitation to the Use and Disclosure of Personal Data:
The data that you as the owner, provide to Peninsula, will be treated under the principles of legality, consent, information, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility.

In order to protect and limit the risks that may arise causing any loss, alteration, damage or misuse of your personal, sensitive or proprietary data, Peninsula, has implemented in terms of the Regulation, physical, technical and administrative security measures to ensure the security of your data.

How can you limit the use or disclosure of your personal information?

You can limit the use and disclosure by exercising your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition of your information through the following means that we have instrumented: Submitting your request personally at our address addressed to the person in charge of privacy in this office located at Av. Mexico N. 3555, Vallarta San Jorge, in Guadalajara, Jalisco; or by sending an email to the following email address: or by calling the telephone number 52 3331 2201.

For the above, you must let us know reliably the personal data that you wish to be rectified, cancelled or revised, in possession of Peninsula, you can submit your request in writing, according to the following guidelines:

1. The request for protection must be submitted with acknowledgement of receipt and contain: Name of the obligated subject (in this case, Peninsula) Name of the data owner or legal representative Address, fax or e-mail address to receive notifications. Specific statement of the right to be exercised If applicable, a simple copy of the documents supporting the request.

In case of failure to comply with any of the above requirements, the owner of the data must be notified within three working days following its submission, so that within five working days he/she may correct such prevention and the request may be admitted.

3. If applicable, the request for protection shall be admitted within three working days following its submission.

4. Once the file is complete, the request will be resolved by the coordination of Peninsula, within ten working days following the admission of the same in accordance with the applicable legislation, in case it is required, the time to resolve may be extended by agreement founded and motivated for up to five more days.

5. The coordination of Peninsula, will issue a resolution in the sense that the request is admissible, partially admissible or inadmissible, which must contain:
Name of the obligated subject (Peninsula)
File number
Details of the request
Motivation and grounds for the resolution.
Resolutive points on the merits of the request
Place, date, name and signature of the person who resolves the request.

6. Notification of the resolution to the owner of the data.
It should be noted that at all times you have the right to revoke the consent you have given us for the processing of your personal data, which may be enforced through the aforementioned procedure.

What are cookies and what are they used for?
Cookies are small text files that a web server sends to your computer, which are used to provide you with better service regarding our products and/or services. Session cookies remember your previous activity on our web site and even make it possible to save your preferences across multiple sessions of your visit to our web site, allowing us to customize, for example, the way our web site makes information of interest to you available to you. Likewise, they can be used to prevent us from showing you notices, news and/or recommendations that may be of interest to you, in accordance with your previous activities on our website, they are also used to implement strategies that allow us to improve the quality of our products and/or services.

Web beacons, or web beacons, are usually graphic images that are placed on a website and are used to count the number of visitors to a website or may even allow access to some cookies. The use of beacons on our website is intended to reflect statistics regarding products and/or services that are of interest to you. These web beacons do not normally collect information other than what your browser provides us with as a standard part of any internet browsing. If you choose to disable cookies in your browser, the web beacon will no longer be able to specifically track your activity.

You can modify your Flash player settings through the Settings Manager according to your preference for storing local shared objects, most browsers allow you to disable or allow the use of cookies. You can also delete cookies from your computer if your browser allows you to do so. If you disable cookies, you may not be able to use certain parts of our website and may need to reinstall a rejection cookie.

In any case, you will have several options to limit the access of cookies and web beacons from our website on your computer.

How do I find out about changes to this privacy notice?
TIZATE reserves the right to change this Comprehensive Privacy Notice as a result of updates and reforms in the legal framework and internal provisions of Peninsula.